About Annie

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Dear visitor,

Thank you for visiting this site. I hope you find what you are looking for or something you weren't looking for but that makes you glad you came.

My name is Annie Zirkel, MA LPC and I am a Positive Relationship & Parenting Consultant, Speaker and Writer based in Ann Arbor, Michigan whose passion is supporting people in having the kinds of relationships – with their children, partners, co-workers, and especially themselves – that they had always hoped for.

Through private consults, live and on-line workshops, blog articles and books, my goal is to share the HOWs of good relationships and strength-based communication. Being present at those Aha Moments in my clients' lives makes this the best job ever!

If there is something I might be able to help you with, please let me know. Again, thanks for stopping by.

Aloha ~

Want to work with me? Click here.